The Ecuadorian justice system restores Verónica Abad as vice president


Judge Nobia Vera has ordered the “immediate reinstatement” of Verónica Abad as vice president of Ecuador and thus annuls her dismissal ordered by the country’s president, Daniel Noboa, who alleged “abandonment of her job.”

The restitution is accompanied “with all the prerogatives that the Constitution of the Republic, laws and international treaties confer for the full exercise of their functions, without any subsequent administrative act impairing the restitution of the position,” according to the document, dated 10 January and published this Sunday by the TeleSur network.

The text includes that the Presidency of the Republic, the head of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces, the general commander of the National Police and other authorities be notified of the ruling.

With the notification to the military chiefs of the presidential and vice-presidential houses, Abad’s entry into his office would be guaranteed after he was denied entry on December 23.

The judge also ruled that the Minister of Labor, Ivonne Núñez, apologize publicly to Verónica Abad in the national media due to the violation of rights to which the vice president was subjected when she was sanctioned with an administrative summary that sought to suspend her from office for 120 days.

On December 26, the Ministry of Labor issued a brief statement, titled Public Apologies, on its social networks where it omitted to refer to Verónica Abad as vice president and preferred to call her “the plaintiff.”

In this context, he also justified his initial decision to suspend Abad from his work because a judge from the Criminal Judicial Unit of Quito confirmed that the Ministry of Labor does have jurisdiction to initiate an administrative summary.

Abad has accused Noboa of breaking the “constitutional order” and of trying to carry out a coup d’état by ceding the Presidency to the new vice president, Cynthia Gellibert, in order to participate in the campaign for the presidential elections scheduled for December 9. February as established by Ecuadorian law.


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