The mayor of Cochabamba, Manfred Reyes Villa, has officially announced his candidacy for the presidential elections scheduled for August 2025 under the conservative Autonomía Para Bolivia-Súmate coalition, waiting for the ruling party to formally present its candidate and the majority opposition to his. .
“I want to thank those who have proclaimed me as a candidate for the presidency, I thank them and I accept being a candidate for the presidency, and being the next president who will change the history of Bolivia,” he expressed this Sunday at a massive meeting in Cochabamba. , according to ‘El Deber’.
Reyes Villa has rejected the claims of his detractors, who link him to the Movement towards Socialism (MAS), and has reproached that those who criticize him are the same ones who have “coexisted” for fourteen years with the ruling party.
“I have been out of the country for eleven years (…) I am the only one in the country’s opposition, the rest have lived with them for fourteen years, I was suffocated, that is why I am the only hope there is in the elections,” has been erected.
There are several figures who have shown interest in participating in the next elections, although so far only Reyes Villa and former president Jorge Tuto Quiroga have confirmed their candidacy. In the case of the latter, challenging the unity pact with other opponents such as Carlos Mesa, or Samuel Doria Medina.