The president of the ICRC visits Lebanon and Syria to evaluate their humanitarian crises ‘in situ’


The president of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Mirjana Spoljaric, began a tour of Lebanon and Syria this past Friday to evaluate in person the humanitarian situation exacerbated by the clashes between Israel and Hezbollah, in the case of the first country, and in the midst of the aftermath of the civil war, the fall of former president Bashar al Assad and the Israeli attacks on the Syrian scene.

In Lebanon, Spoljaric recalled the “immense humanitarian needs of the civilian population” and called for the preservation of the enormously fragile ceasefire “because civilians cannot afford a new descent into violence.”

“Maintaining the ceasefire is essential so that families can return to their homes, rebuild their lives and so that humanitarian assistance reaches those who need it,” said the ICRC president before recalling the “enormous humanitarian challenges facing faced by a country marked by widespread destruction that exacerbates existing economic and social crises.

“Thousands of people remain displaced, struggling with limited access to healthcare, essential services and livelihoods. These challenges exist across the region, including the catastrophic conditions in Gaza and the significant needs in Syria, which put “tests the response capacity of humanitarian organizations,” he indicated.

“International Humanitarian Law continues to apply and is unequivocal: civilians must be protected and their access to humanitarian aid must be guaranteed,” added Spoljaric, who will travel to Syria this Saturday to meet “with national and local authorities and evaluate the humanitarian needs in the country,” according to the ICRC.


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