Welcome to Bliteoc, the fastest online source for all information. We strive to offer you the best possible write/search experience, with an emphasis on data protection-safe searches and writing content, a real-time search overview and optimal relevant results.
Bliteoc engine allows you to find information from around the world, ranging from contents and news to web pages to instant answers and much more. Bliteoc Search offers a secure search function to better protect your online activities.
Bliteoc Search has many built-in functions to provide the best search results for your search queries.
Our Story
Bliteoc started as a content aggregator with limited search engine features in 2021. By early 2023, it evolved into a full-fledged search engine with integrated AI capabilities. It also began allowing users to write and post articles. By early 2025, Bliteoc's search was rebranded from the Bliteoc News Aggregator to a more robust search platform. Bliteoc is now part of the bliteoc network, which is owned by David Abalaku.
Our Founding
Bliteoc search was found by David Abalaku. The tech researcher who loves to find the latest information on the tech industry
Our Mission
Our main goal is to provide a safe search experience for our users around the world and to easily rate the best results for your queries.
Our contact
- information: E-Mail: [email protected]